.NET Core ReactJS Deployment in AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Tandie - hkhazo.biz.id

.NET Core ReactJS Deployment in AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide

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.NET Core and ReactJS are two popular technologies used for building robust and scalable web applications. When it comes to deploying these applications, AWS provides a comprehensive suite of services to ensure seamless and efficient deployment. In this article, we’ll explore the step-by-step process of deploying a .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS.


To follow along with this guide, you’ll need to have the following prerequisites:

  • .NET Core 3.1 or later installed on your machine
  • ReactJS 17.0.2 or later installed on your machine
  • AWS account with necessary permissions
  • AWS CLI installed on your machine
  • Familiarity with .NET Core and ReactJS development

Step 1: Create a new .NET Core ReactJS project

Let’s start by creating a new .NET Core ReactJS project. Open your terminal and run the following command:

dotnet new react -o MyReactApp

This command creates a new .NET Core ReactJS project called MyReactApp.

Step 2: Install necessary dependencies

In your newly created project, navigate to the `MyReactApp` directory and run the following command:

npm install

This command installs the necessary dependencies for your ReactJS application.

Step 3: Create an AWS account and set up IAM roles

If you haven’t already, create an AWS account and set up IAM roles with necessary permissions. You’ll need to create an IAM user with the following permissions:

  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
  • AmazonS3FullAccess
  • CloudWatchLogsFullAccess
  • CloudWatchFullAccess

Take note of the access key ID and secret access key, as you’ll need them later.

Step 4: Create an ECR repository

ECR (Elastic Container Registry) is a fully-managed container registry service that makes it easy to store, manage, and deploy container images. Let’s create a new ECR repository:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name myreactapp --region us-east-1

Replace `us-east-1` with your preferred region.

Step 5: Build and push the Docker image

In your `MyReactApp` directory, create a new file called `Dockerfile` with the following contents:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1


COPY . .

RUN dotnet publish -c Release

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1


COPY --from=0 /app .

ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyReactApp.dll"]

This Dockerfile uses the official .NET Core 3.1 SDK image to build and publish your application, and then uses the official .NET Core 3.1 ASP.NET image to run your application.

Now, let’s build and push the Docker image to ECR:

docker build -t myreactapp .

docker tag myreactapp:latest 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/myreactapp:latest

docker push 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/myreactapp:latest

Replace `123456789012` with your AWS account ID and `us-east-1` with your preferred region.

Step 6: Create an ECS cluster and task definition

ECS (Elastic Container Service) is a highly scalable and fast container management service that makes it easy to run, stop, and manage containers on a cluster. Let’s create a new ECS cluster and task definition:

aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name myreactapp-cluster --region us-east-1

aws ecs create-task-definition --family myreactapp-task --requires-compatibilities FARGATE --network-mode awsvpc --cpu 1024 --memory 512 --region us-east-1

aws ecs register-task-definition --family myreactapp-task --requires-compatibilities FARGATE --network-mode awsvpc --cpu 1024 --memory 512 --region us-east-1 --container-definitions file://container-definitions.json

Create a new file called `container-definitions.json` with the following contents:

    "name": "myreactapp",
    "image": "123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/myreactapp:latest",
    "cpu": 10,
    "memory": 512,
    "essential": true,
    "portMappings": [
        "containerPort": 80,
        "hostPort": 80,
        "protocol": "tcp"

Replace `123456789012` with your AWS account ID and `us-east-1` with your preferred region.

Step 7: Create an ECS service

Let’s create a new ECS service that uses the task definition we created earlier:

aws ecs create-service --cluster myreactapp-cluster --service-name myreactapp-service --task-definition myreactapp-task --desired-count 1 --launch-type FARGATE --region us-east-1

Step 8: Create an Application Load Balancer

Let’s create an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to route traffic to our ECS service:

aws elbv2 create-load-balancer --name myreactapp-alb --subnets subnet-01 --security-groups sg-01 --region us-east-1

Replace `subnet-01` and `sg-01` with your preferred subnet and security group, respectively.

Step 9: Create a target group and listener

Let’s create a target group and listener to route traffic to our ECS service:

aws elbv2 create-target-group --name myreactapp-tg --protocol HTTP --port 80 --region us-east-1

aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn  --protocol HTTP --port 80 --default-actions Type=forward,TargetGroupArn= --region us-east-1

Replace `` and `` with the ARNs of your ALB and target group, respectively.

Step 10: Configure Route 53

Let’s configure Route 53 to route traffic to our ALB:

aws route53 create-resource-record-set --hosted-zone-id  --name myreactapp.com --type A --alias-target EvaluateTargetHealth=false,AliasTarget={DNSName=,HostedZoneId=,EvaluateTargetHealth=false} --region us-east-1

Replace `` and `` with your Route 53 zone ID and ALB DNS name, respectively.


Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS using ECR, ECS, and ALB. You can now access your application by visiting `myreactapp.com` in your browser.

This article has covered the comprehensive process of deploying a .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS. By following these steps, you can ensure seamless and efficient deployment of your application in AWS.


Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to deploy your .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS like a pro! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate the process.

What are the benefits of deploying a .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS?

Deploying a .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS provides a scalable, secure, and high-performance infrastructure for your application. You can take advantage of AWS’s managed services, such as Lambda, API Gateway, and S3, to reduce administrative burdens and focus on developing your application.

How do I containerize my .NET Core ReactJS application for deployment in AWS?

You can containerize your .NET Core ReactJS application using Docker. Create a Dockerfile for your application, and then build and push the image to a container registry like Docker Hub or Amazon ECR. From there, you can deploy your containerized application to AWS using Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS.

What is the best way to handle environment variables and configuration settings in my .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS?

You can use AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store to manage environment variables and configuration settings for your .NET Core ReactJS application. This allows you to store and retrieve values securely and centrally, and then inject them into your application using the AWS SDK.

How do I monitor and troubleshoot my .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS?

You can use AWS X-Ray and AWS CloudWatch to monitor and troubleshoot your .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS. X-Ray provides detailed tracing and analysis of your application’s performance, while CloudWatch provides log aggregation, monitoring, and alerting capabilities.

What are some best practices for securing my .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS?

Some best practices for securing your .NET Core ReactJS application in AWS include using IAM roles and permissions to limit access to resources, encrypting data at rest and in transit, and implementing security headers and authentication mechanisms in your application. Additionally, regularly update and patch your dependencies and operating system to prevent vulnerabilities.

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Step Description
1 Create a new .NET Core ReactJS project
2 Install necessary dependencies
3 Create an AWS account and set up IAM roles
4 Create an ECR repository
5 Build and push the Docker image
6 Create an ECS cluster and task definition
7 Create an ECS service
8 Create an Application Load Balancer