Unleash the Power of POWER BI: Mastering the Running Total with DAX
Image by Tandie - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleash the Power of POWER BI: Mastering the Running Total with DAX

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Are you tired of manually calculating running totals in your POWER BI reports? Do you want to take your data analysis to the next level? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of DAX and show you how to create a running total in POWER BI with ease.

What is a Running Total?

A running total, also known as a cumulative total, is a calculation that aggregates values over a specified range of data. It’s a powerful analytical tool that helps you track progress, identify trends, and make informed decisions. In POWER BI, a running total can be used to calculate sales revenue over time, track inventory levels, or measure production output, among other applications.

Why DAX?

DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a powerful formula language used in POWER BI to create calculated columns, measures, and tables. With DAX, you can create complex calculations, manipulate data, and perform data modeling. In the context of a running total, DAX provides a flexible and efficient way to calculate the cumulative sum of values.

Building a Running Total with DAX

Let’s get started! To create a running total with DAX, we’ll use the `CALCULATE` function in combination with the `SUM` and `FILTER` functions. The basic syntax is as follows:

Running Total = CALCULATE(
        'Table'[Column] <= EARLIER('Table'[Column])

Let’s break down the components:

  • `CALCULATE`: This function evaluates the expression and returns a value.
  • `SUM(‘Table'[Column])`: This function sums up the values in the specified column.
  • `FILTER(‘Table’, ‘Table'[Column] <= EARLIER(‘Table'[Column]))`: This function filters the table to include only rows where the current value is less than or equal to the previous value.
  • `EARLIER(‘Table'[Column])`: This function returns the previous value in the specified column.

Example: Calculating a Running Total of Sales

Suppose we have a table called `Sales` with the following structure:

Date Sales Amount
2022-01-01 100
2022-01-02 120
2022-01-03 150

We want to create a running total of sales amounts over time. To do this, we’ll use the DAX formula:

Running Total Sales = CALCULATE(
    SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]),
        Sales[Date] <= EARLIER(Sales[Date])

Drag and drop the `Running Total Sales` measure into your POWER BI report, and voilà! You’ll see the running total of sales amounts over time.

Advanced Scenarios: Handling Blanks and Multiple Columns

In real-world scenarios, you may encounter blank values or need to calculate a running total across multiple columns. Let’s tackle these challenges:

Handling Blanks

When dealing with blank values, you can use the `IF` function to ignore them in the calculation:

Running Total Sales (Ignore Blanks) = CALCULATE(
    SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]),
        Sales[Date] <= EARLIER(Sales[Date]) &&
        NOT(ISBLANK(Sales[Sales Amount]))

Calculating a Running Total across Multiple Columns

Suppose you have multiple columns that you want to include in the running total calculation. You can use the `SUMX` function to iterate over the columns:

Running Total Sales (Multiple Columns) = CALCULATE(
            "Total Sales", Sales[Sales Amount] + Sales[Other Sales Amount]
        [Total Sales]
        Sales[Date] <= EARLIER(Sales[Date])

Optimizing Performance

As your data grows, so does the complexity of your DAX formulas. To optimize performance, follow these best practices:

  • Use `CALCULATE` instead of `SUMMARIZE` to reduce calculation overhead.
  • Avoid using `CALCULATE` inside `CALCULATE` to prevent nested calculations.
  • Use `FILTER` instead of `IF` to reduce the number of iterations.
  • Leverage the `EARLIER` function to reduce the number of calculations.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve demystified the world of DAX and shown you how to create a running total in POWER BI. With these skills, you’re ready to take your data analysis to the next level and make informed decisions. Remember to optimize your formulas for performance, handle blanks and multiple columns with ease, and unleash the full potential of POWER BI and DAX.

Additional Resources

For more information on DAX and POWER BI, check out these resources:

Get ready to unlock the full potential of POWER BI and DAX!Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “POWERBI – DAX – RunningTotal” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to boost your Power BI skills with these frequently asked questions about DAX running totals!

What is a running total in Power BI, and how does it differ from a regular total?

A running total in Power BI is a calculation that accumulates values over a period of time, such as a fiscal year or a specific date range. Unlike a regular total, which simply adds up all the values, a running total allows you to see the cumulative total at each point in time. This is especially useful when analyzing sales, inventory, or budget data over time.

How do I create a running total in Power BI using DAX?

To create a running total in Power BI using DAX, you can use the `CALCULATE` function with the `FILTER` function to specify the range of dates or rows you want to calculate the running total for. For example: `Running Total = CALCULATE(SUM(SomeTable[SomeColumn]), FILTER(SomeTable, SomeTable[Date] <= EARLIER(SomeTable[Date])))`. This formula calculates the running total of `SomeColumn` for each row in `SomeTable`, based on the `Date` column.

Can I use a running total to calculate a percentage of total?

Yes, you can use a running total to calculate a percentage of total in Power BI. Simply divide the running total by the total value, and then multiply by 100. For example: `Running Total Percentage = (Running Total / TOTAL(SomeTable[SomeColumn])) * 100`. This will give you the percentage of the running total compared to the total value.

How do I handle missing dates in my running total calculation?

To handle missing dates in your running total calculation, you can use the `DATES` function in DAX to generate a table of dates, and then use the `LEFTJOIN` function to join this table with your original table. This will ensure that all dates are included in the calculation, even if there are gaps in the data.

Can I use a running total in a measure or a calculated column?

You can use a running total in both measures and calculated columns in Power BI. A measure is a calculation that is computed at runtime, while a calculated column is a calculation that is computed when the data is loaded. Both can be useful, depending on your specific use case and performance requirements.

I hope these questions and answers help you master the art of running totals in Power BI with DAX!