Why do some of my SQL explicit pass through queries run in SQL Server but not in SAS EG?
Image by Tandie - hkhazo.biz.id

Why do some of my SQL explicit pass through queries run in SQL Server but not in SAS EG?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your SQL explicit pass-through queries work seamlessly in SQL Server but refuse to cooperate in SAS Enterprise Guide (EG)? You’re not alone! This article will delve into the mysteries of SQL pass-through queries and SAS EG, providing you with a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot and resolve this frustrating issue.

What are SQL explicit pass-through queries?

Before we dive into the problem, let’s take a step back and understand what SQL explicit pass-through queries are. These queries are used to execute native SQL code directly against a database, bypassing SAS’s internal SQL engine. This allows you to take advantage of database-specific features and optimize performance. In the context of SAS EG, pass-through queries are used to connect to external databases, such as SQL Server, and execute SQL statements.

Why do pass-through queries work in SQL Server but not in SAS EG?

There are several reasons why your pass-through queries might work in SQL Server but not in SAS EG. Let’s explore some common culprits:

  • Database connection configuration: Check your SAS EG connection to the SQL Server database. Ensure that you’re using the correct database name, username, and password. Verify that the connection is established successfully before running your pass-through query.
  • SQL Server version compatibility: SAS EG might not support the same version of SQL Server as your local database. Check the compatibility of your SQL Server version with SAS EG.
  • SQL syntax differences: SQL Server and SAS EG use slightly different SQL syntax. Review your query for any syntax differences that might be causing issues.
  • Driver versions and configurations: The ODBC driver or provider used to connect to SQL Server might be outdated or misconfigured. Update your driver to the latest version and ensure it’s properly configured.

Troubleshooting steps for SAS EG pass-through queries

Now that we’ve identified some potential causes, let’s walk through a step-by-step troubleshooting process to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Verify the connection to the SQL Server database

In SAS EG, navigate to File > New > Project and select SQL Server as the database type. Enter the database connection details, including the server name, database name, username, and password.


Run the above code to establish a connection to your SQL Server database. If you encounter any issues, review your connection details and troubleshoot accordingly.

Step 2: Test a simple SQL query

Create a new SQL query in SAS EG and execute a simple SELECT statement to test the connection:

   CONNECT TO mylib AS myconn;
   EXECUTE (SELECT * FROM mytable) BY myconn;

If this query executes successfully, it indicates that the connection to the SQL Server database is working correctly.

Step 3: Identify and fix syntax differences

Review your pass-through query for any syntax differences between SQL Server and SAS EG. Common issues include:

  • SQL Server uses square brackets [] for column and table names, whereas SAS EG uses quotes " ".
  • SQL Server uses GO to separate batches, whereas SAS EG uses ;.

Modify your query to use the correct syntax for SAS EG:

   CONNECT TO mylib AS myconn;
   EXECUTE (SELECT "column1", "column2" FROM "mytable" WHERE "column1" = 'value') BY myconn;

Step 4: Update the ODBC driver or provider

Ensure that you’re using the latest version of the ODBC driver or provider for SQL Server. You can download the latest driver from the Microsoft website:

Download ODBC Driver for SQL Server

Follow the installation instructions and configure the driver accordingly.

Best practices for writing pass-through queries in SAS EG

To avoid common pitfalls and ensure your pass-through queries run smoothly in SAS EG, follow these best practices:

  1. Use ANSI-compliant SQL: Stick to standard ANSI-compliant SQL syntax to ensure compatibility across different databases.
  2. Avoid database-specific features: Refrain from using database-specific features, such as SQL Server’s GO statement, which might not be supported in SAS EG.
  3. Use quotes for column and table names: Enclose column and table names in quotes to avoid conflicts with SAS EG’s internal syntax.
  4. Test and validate your queries: Thoroughly test and validate your pass-through queries in SAS EG to ensure they’re working as expected.


In this article, we’ve explored the common reasons why your SQL explicit pass-through queries might work in SQL Server but not in SAS EG. By following the troubleshooting steps and best practices outlined above, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully execute your pass-through queries in SAS EG.

Problem Solution
Database connection configuration Verify connection details and ensure successful connection establishment
SQL Server version compatibility Check compatibility of SQL Server version with SAS EG
SQL syntax differences Review query for syntax differences and modify accordingly
Driver versions and configurations Update ODBC driver or provider to the latest version and configure correctly

Remember to stay calm, patient, and methodical in your troubleshooting approach. With these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to overcome the hurdles and successfully execute your SQL explicit pass-through queries in SAS EG.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on why your SQL explicit pass-through queries behave differently in SQL Server and SAS Enterprise Guide!

Why do my SQL explicit pass-through queries run smoothly in SQL Server, but not in SAS Enterprise Guide?

It’s likely due to the differences in how SQL Server and SAS EG handle implicit conversions. SQL Server is more lenient, whereas SAS EG is stricter. Make sure to review your data types and adjust accordingly to ensure seamless integration!

Do I need to rewrite my queries to make them compatible with SAS EG?

Rewriting might not be necessary, but reviewing and refining your queries is a good idea. Ensure you’re using SAS-compatible syntax, and consider using the SAS SQL pass-through facility to simplify the process. It’s a good opportunity to optimize your queries as well!

What’s the deal with password encryption? Why does it work in SQL Server but not in SAS EG?

SQL Server and SAS EG handle password encryption differently. In SQL Server, passwords are encrypted using a built-in function, whereas in SAS EG, you need to use a specific encryption method, like the PWENCODE function, to pass the password securely. So, update your password encryption to make it SAS EG-friendly!

Can I use the same connection string in both SQL Server and SAS EG?

The short answer is no. SQL Server and SAS EG have different connection string requirements. In SAS EG, you need to specify the ODBC or OLE DB connection details, whereas in SQL Server, you can use a simple server name or connection string. So, be prepared to adjust your connection strings accordingly!

Are there any best practices for troubleshooting issues with my SQL explicit pass-through queries in SAS EG?

Absolutely! To troubleshoot effectively, start by checking the SAS EG log files for error messages, verify your connection strings and query syntax, and test your queries in SQL Server Management Studio to isolate the issue. You can also leverage the SAS EG debugger to step through your code and identify the problem area. Happy troubleshooting!