Restrict Suggestion by City using Place Autocomplete Data API: Solving the Not Working Issue
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Restrict Suggestion by City using Place Autocomplete Data API: Solving the Not Working Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of Place Autocomplete Data API not working as expected when trying to restrict suggestions by city? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of location-based APIs and provide a step-by-step guide on how to overcome this common issue. Buckle up and get ready to master the art of city-restricted Place Autocomplete!

What is Place Autocomplete Data API?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand what Place Autocomplete Data API is and how it works. Place Autocomplete Data API is a powerful tool provided by Google that allows developers to integrate location-based search capabilities into their applications. It’s designed to provide users with a seamless search experience, offering suggestions as they type, and returning detailed information about the selected location.

How Place Autocomplete Data API Works

The API uses a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to provide accurate and relevant suggestions based on user input. When a user types a query, the API sends a request to Google’s servers, which then return a list of potential matches. These matches are ranked based on relevance, proximity, and other factors to ensure the most accurate results.

The Problem: Restricting Suggestions by City

Now, let’s talk about the issue at hand: restricting suggestions by city using Place Autocomplete Data API. You’ve set up your API key, integrated the API into your application, and configured the necessary parameters. However, when you try to restrict suggestions to a specific city, the API doesn’t behave as expected. You might receive results from neighboring cities or even countries, which can be frustrating and confusing for your users.

Why Does This Happen?

There are several reasons why Place Autocomplete Data API might not work as expected when trying to restrict suggestions by city:

  • Invalid or malformed API requests
  • Inaccurate or incomplete location data
  • Insufficient configuration of API parameters
  • Browser or device limitations

Solving the Not Working Issue: Step-by-Step Guide

Don’t worry; we’re here to help! Follow these steps to overcome the common issues and successfully restrict suggestions by city using Place Autocomplete Data API:

  1. Verify Your API Key and Configuration
  2. Double-check that your API key is valid, and you’ve enabled the Places API in the Google Cloud Console. Ensure you’ve set the correct API key in your application and configured the necessary parameters, such as the API endpoint, request method, and response format.

    const apiEndpoint = '';
    const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
    const requestMethod = 'GET';
    const responseType = 'json';
  3. Specify the City Boundaries
  4. Define the city boundaries using the `bounds` parameter in your API request. This parameter specifies the geographic region within which the API will search for suggestions. You can define the bounds using a combination of latitude and longitude coordinates.

    const bounds = {
      north: 37.7749,
      south: 37.7041,
      east: -122.4194,
      west: -122.5143
  5. Use the `components` Parameter
  6. The `components` parameter allows you to specify the type of location component to restrict the search to. In this case, we’ll use `locality` to restrict suggestions to a specific city.

    const components = {
      locality: 'San Francisco',
      country: 'US'
  7. Configure the `types` Parameter
  8. The `types` parameter specifies the type of location data to return. Set it to `address` to receive detailed address information.

    const types = ['address'];
  9. Make the API Request
  10. Using the above parameters, make a GET request to the Place Autocomplete API endpoint.

      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => console.log(data));
  11. Handle the Response
  12. The API will return a list of suggested locations. Loop through the response data and extract the relevant information, such as the location name, latitude, and longitude.

    const suggestions = => ({
      name: prediction.description,
      longitude: prediction.geometry.location.lng

Best Practices and Additional Tips

To ensure optimal performance and accuracy when restricting suggestions by city using Place Autocomplete Data API, keep the following best practices and additional tips in mind:

  • Use precise city names and boundaries: Ensure the city name and boundaries are accurate to avoid receiving irrelevant results.
  • Set the correct API endpoint and parameters: Double-check that you’re using the correct API endpoint, request method, and response format.
  • Use a robust error handling mechanism: Handle API errors and exceptions to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Optimize API requests for performance: Use caching, debouncing, or other optimization techniques to minimize API requests and reduce latency.
  • Stay up-to-date with API documentation and updates: Regularly check the Google Cloud Console and API documentation for updates, deprecations, and new features.


Restricting suggestions by city using Place Autocomplete Data API might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s achievable. By following this step-by-step guide and keeping the best practices and additional tips in mind, you’ll be able to overcome the common issues and provide a seamless search experience for your users. Remember to stay up-to-date with API updates and documentation to ensure optimal performance and accuracy.

Parameter Description Example
input User input to search for San Francisco
bounds Geographic region to search within { north: 37.7749, south: 37.7041, east: -122.4194, west: -122.5143 }
components Type of location component to restrict search to { locality: ‘San Francisco’, country: ‘US’ }
types Type of location data to return [‘address’]

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need assistance with implementing Place Autocomplete Data API in your application!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on fixing the pesky issue of restricting suggestions by city using Place Autocomplete Data API!

Why is my Place Autocomplete Data API not restricting suggestions by city?

Make sure you’re including the `components` parameter in your API request, specifying the `country` and `locality` types. This will help the API understand that you only want suggestions within a specific city.

I’ve added the `components` parameter, but it’s still not working. What’s wrong?

Double-check that you’re formatting the `components` parameter correctly. It should be in the format `components=country:XX|locality:CityName`, where XX is the country code and CityName is the name of the city. Also, ensure that you’re using the correct city name and country code.

How do I specify multiple cities in the `components` parameter?

You can separate multiple cities with a pipe (`|`) character. For example, `components=country:US|locality:New York|locality:Los Angeles`. This will restrict suggestions to only these two cities in the US.

Can I use the `bounds` parameter to restrict suggestions by city?

While you can use the `bounds` parameter to restrict suggestions to a specific geographic area, it’s not the recommended approach for restricting by city. Stick with the `components` parameter for more accurate results.

What if I want to restrict suggestions to a specific region within a city?

You can use the `components` parameter to specify a region within a city by including the `sublocality` type. For example, `components=country:US|locality:New York|sublocality:Manhattan`. This will restrict suggestions to only the Manhattan region within New York City.