Steps to Install Python Packages Without PIP Command and When There is No Exists
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Steps to Install Python Packages Without PIP Command and When There is No Exists

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The Problem: No PIP, No, No Problem!

Have you ever stumbled upon a Python package that doesn’t come with a file, making it impossible to install using the trusty pip command? Or maybe you’re working on a project that doesn’t allow pip installations, leaving you wondering how to get the packages you need. Fear not, dear Python enthusiast, for we’ve got you covered!

Why No

In an ideal world, every Python package would come with a file, making installation a breeze with pip. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, package maintainers might not provide a file, or perhaps the package is still in development, and the file hasn’t been created yet. Whatever the reason, we need to find alternative ways to install these packages.

Method 1: Using the tarball (or .tar.gz file)

Many packages come with a tarball (a compressed archive file with a .tar.gz extension) that can be downloaded from the package’s repository or website. We can use this file to install the package manually.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Download the tarball file from the package’s repository or website.
  2. Extract the contents of the tarball file using the `tar` command:
    tar -xvf package.tar.gz
  3. Navigate into the extracted directory:
    cd package
  4. Create a file manually by creating a new file and adding the following content:
    from setuptools import setup
  5. Install the package using the `python` command:
    python install

Voilà! You’ve successfully installed the package without pip.

Method 2: Using the zip file (or .zip file)

Some packages might come with a zip file instead of a tarball. We can use this file to install the package manually as well.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Download the zip file from the package’s repository or website.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file using the `unzip` command:
  3. Navigate into the extracted directory:
    cd package
  4. Create a file manually by creating a new file and adding the following content:
    from setuptools import setup
  5. Install the package using the `python` command:
    python install

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! You’ve installed the package without pip.

Method 3: Using the source code (clone the repository)

Sometimes, you might need to install a package that doesn’t provide a tarball or zip file. This is where cloning the repository comes in handy.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Clone the package’s repository using Git:
    git clone
  2. Navigate into the cloned directory:
    cd package
  3. Create a file manually by creating a new file and adding the following content:
    from setuptools import setup
  4. Install the package using the `python` command:
    python install

And there you have it! You’ve successfully installed the package without pip.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

During the installation process, you might encounter some common issues. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Issue Solution
Error: file not found Create a file manually as shown in the examples above.
Error: Permission denied Run the installation command with sudo privileges: sudo python install
Error: Package not found Check if the package is correctly extracted and the file is in the correct location.


In conclusion, installing Python packages without pip and without a file is definitely possible. By following the methods outlined above, you can manually install packages and get your project up and running. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and adapt the instructions to your specific package’s requirements.

Happy coding, and may the Python forces be with you!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on installing Python packages without PIP and!

What are the general steps to install a Python package without using PIP?

When PIP is not available, you can download the package’s source code, extract it, and then run the `python install` command (if exists). If doesn’t exist, you’ll need to build and install the package manually. This might involve compiling code, copying files to the correct locations, and updating the package’s metadata.

How do I download the package’s source code?

You can download the source code from the package’s repository or website. Look for a `.tar.gz` or `.zip` file containing the source code. You can also use version control systems like Git to clone the repository directly.

What if I need to compile code during the installation process?

If the package requires compilation, you’ll need to have the necessary build tools and dependencies installed. This might include a C compiler, build utilities like Make or CMake, and other libraries required by the package. Be sure to check the package’s documentation for specific instructions on building and installing the package.

How do I update the package’s metadata after manual installation?

After installing the package, you’ll need to update the package’s metadata manually. This typically involves creating or updating files like `PKG-INFO` or `METADATA` in the package’s installation directory. You can consult the package’s documentation or Python’s packaging documentation for more information on creating and updating package metadata.

Is it a good idea to install packages manually without PIP?

While it’s possible to install packages manually, it’s generally not recommended unless absolutely necessary. PIP and other package managers provide a convenient and standardized way to install and manage packages. Manual installation can lead to version conflicts, dependency issues, and other problems. If you can, stick with PIP and other package managers for a smoother Python experience!